{% block list_nbresults %}
{% set count = Products.nbResults %}
{% set start = ( Products.currentPage - 1 ) * Products.maxPerPage + 1 %}
{% set end = start + Products.maxPerPage - 1 %}
{% set end = end > count ? count : end %}
{% if Products.haveToPaginate %}
{% trans with {'%start%': start,'%end%': end,'%count%': count,} from "Admingenerator" %}list.display.range{% endtrans %}
{% elseif count > 0 %}
{% trans with {'%count%': count,} from "Admingenerator" %}list.display.all{% endtrans %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock list_nbresults %}
{% block form_batch_actions %}
{% endblock form_batch_actions %}
{% block list_thead %}
{% endblock list_thead %}
{% block list_tbody %}
{% if Products|length > 0 %}
{% for Product in Products %}
{% include "WebmilBackendProductBundle:ProductList:row.html.twig" with { } %}
{% endfor %} {% block object_actions_script %}
{% endblock object_actions_script %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock list_tbody %}
{{ 'Ðазва'|trans({}, 'Admin') }}
{% trans from "Admingenerator" %}list.header.actions{% endtrans %} |
{% trans from "Admingenerator" %}list.no.results{% endtrans %} |
{% block endform_batch_actions %}
{% endblock endform_batch_actions %}